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Work with Paul

Mission and Vision

I strive to improve my client's financial positions by crafting streamlined, diversified, tax-efficient, and low-cost portfolios. I believe costs are a main driver of portfolio returns. While you can't control market movements, you can control your costs. Because my fees are based on the value of your portfolio, my fees are a reflection of client-first interests. I also believe that simplifying the planning process empowers clients with a clear roadmap to accomplish their goals. Your assets will be held with a world-class financial custodian, Charles Schwab.

I provide clients with two straightforward, no-nonsense options to choose from for their wealth planning needs:

Ongoing Advice

This service is for clients who desire to hire me to manage their investment portfolio and help plan for their future. Financial planning services may be as broad-based or narrowly focused as desired. Fees for ongoing advice are based upon a percentage (%) of the market value of your portfolio between 0.25% and 1.00%. I offer two portfolio strategies for clients. Clients can invest in either strategy individually or in both strategies.


Strategy - Asset allocation among stocks, bonds, and commodities that balances risk and return.

Fit - Perfect for long-term investors looking to grow their portfolios.

Fees - 0.25% to 1.00% per year depending on portfolio value.

Minimum - $200,000 portfolio value (can be combined with both strategies).

Stocks - I invest among passively managed index and actively managed funds. In particular, I seek active funds with experienced managers who have performed well during down markets.

Bonds - I offer a custom bond portfolio for clients who desire a portfolio of individual bonds across the yield and maturity curves. This may include US Treasury bonds, municipal bonds, corporate bonds, and selected bonds in other areas of the bond market.

Commodities - I believe most investors can benefit from holding a portion of their portfolio in gold. This asset class offers a unique risk/return profile within a diversified mix of assets.


Strategy - A laddered portfolio of US Treasuries tailored to each client's short-term cash needs.

Fit - Designed for investors looking to earn competitive yields as an alternative to bank accounts and CDs.

Fees - 0.25% per year.

Minimum - $20,000 portfolio value (can be combined with both strategies).

Yield - US Treasury yields are competitive vs. bank accounts and CDs. Current Bond Rates -

Risk of losing principal - Very low if held to maturity. US Treasuries are backed by the full faith and credit of the US government.

Liquidity - No fees for early withdrawals. Selling bonds before maturity can result in reduced yields.

Bond Ladder - A bond ladder is a strategy of investing in bonds in varying maturity levels (1 month, 3 months, 6 months, etc.). When a bond matures, it's "rolled over" into another bond within the laddered strategy. This type of strategy can minimize interest rate risk and allow for liquidity should clients need to access cash.

One-Time Financial Review

I also offer a comprehensive one-time financial review for a fee of $1,000, paid after the consultation. This service is perfect for people who are do-it-yourself investors, desire advice only without ongoing costs, or may not have the investable assets to meet the minimum portfolio requirement.  Returning clients who do not need Ongoing Advice can, at any time, receive additional one-time consultations charged at my hourly rate of $200 per hour. The hour is pro-rated for calls lasting longer than an hour.

Three Step Process

Both service offerings involve three simple steps:


During this meeting, we'll explore which service offering is right for you. I'll explain how each service offering works and answer any questions you may have. Should you decide to hire me, we'll schedule Step 2, a planning meeting. Please contact me at any time to start this process.


During our meeting, we'll discuss your overall investment portfolio and financial plan. We'll discuss your goals, taxes, portfolio asset allocation, fees and expenses, asset location, retirement savings, retirement distributions, insurance, estate planning, and more.


For clients that choose the One-Time Financial Review, I will deliver a written letter following our meeting summarizing my recommendations. Clients that choose Ongoing Advice, will receive a comprehensive email summarizing the next steps in the process.